This article will
help you keep your New York flooring clean and looking good
all year round:
- Vacuum your floors every week – If you don't already do this, it's a really good idea. The dirt that you can't see will act as an abrasive over time and in high traffic areas. This can cause your floors to wear faster and may be irreversible. A microfiber or dust mop will work just as well.
- Be careful with hairspray and furniture polish – Both of these can cause your floor's finish to become cloudy. Wipe up any spill of either immediately with a damp cloth.
- Water is dangerous – Any water that may collect on your New York flooring can cause some serious damage. Close windows if you are expecting rain and put trays under potted plants.
- Remove residue with a wax free cleaner – You should use this cleaner after any spillage occurs, these cleaners will remove any residue.
- Use extra-long door mat – By your front door opt for an extra-long door mat. This will give you and anyone entering your home more time to clean their feet of any water, or dirt that may have accumulated.
Hardwood Flooring LLC brings you unparalleled expertise and superior
service when it comes to repairing your New York flooring.
If have any New York flooring
needs, or have any questions about our other New York flooring services, pleasecontact Precision Hardwood LLC at 845-369-8814 and speak with one of
our experts today.